Friday, June 30, 2006

What!!!!???? It's a girl. I can't believe it. Hubby says he'll have to start saving for the wedding now. Well, we were surprised but the idea of having a girl is growing on me. I can teach her how to pitch a curve softball and how to, well, I can't think of anything else. Me and her can sing Karaoke though and dance funny in the supermarket isles to embarrass her dad. I want her to be totally cool like me. Ha. I got a little choked up looking at the ultra sound because I hope I'm a good mama. I think hubby will be a cool dad and teach her a bunch of cool things. I can't wait till she is here!

1 comment:

Jim & Julie said...

Hi Julie! It's Julie! I'm soooooooo excited for you and James. And I think that it is a safe bet that you'll be the funnest, coolest mom ever. You can show her the Best Little Whore House in Texas at age 6 like my mom did - and then she'll cry when the girls have to leave the house and wonder why - which you won't be able to explain until she is 15. I can hear you both singing now "Texas has whorehouse in it - Lord have mercy on my soul..." Ha ha... Best to you both!! Congrats!